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FAQ: StaffAny <> SafeEntry

Frequently Asked Questions on SafeEntry implementation

StaffAny avatar
Written by StaffAny
Updated over a week ago

We understand if you need some clarification on SafeEntry, here are some popular questions with quick links to refer to!

  1. Where does SafeEntry need to be deployed?
    Quick Answer: Deployment will be made mandatory for places where individuals are likely to be in close proximity for prolonged periods or in enclosed spaces, or where there is high human traffic.

  2. Do businesses and venues have to enforce both check in and check out?
    Quick Answer: Only check-in for SafeEntry needs to be enforced. (

  3. SafeEntry is already implemented for my building (e.g. Mall), do tenants within the building have to implement SafeEntry as well?
    Quick Answer: As part of safe workplace measures, workplaces will have to implement SafeEntry for employees.

  4. What should I do if my company operates in multiple locations?
    Quick Answer: You can add multiple branches/premises under one single business account. Each premise added will generate a unique store code.(

  5. With the implementation of SafeEntry, is the travel and health declaration still required?
    Quick Answer: Yes, travel and health declaration is still required, to ensure the safety of individuals within the respective businesses and venues. (

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