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Rest Day Work (Automated Tagging)

Mark out the hours worked on a Rest or Off day automatically.

StaffAny avatar
Written by StaffAny
Updated over 2 months ago

Contents of this article are applicable to the following users


Platform: Web

Access Level: Owner

We can now mark out the hours worked on a Rest or Off day by automatically applying shift tags to shifts.

Below is an example of how Automated Tagging can help you in your workflow.

1) Ops/Manager assigns a “Rest Day” to a staff in Schedule.

2) But due to manpower requirements, the staff is required to work on their rest day. Ops/Manager schedule another shift on that rest day.

3) Since the staff is working on a “Rest Day”. The shift tag is automatically assigned to the staff.

4) In the staff’s Timesheet, the hours worked are not reflected in the OT column.

5) These hours are reflected in the CSV file exported, under the column of the Shift Tag.

Setting up Automated Tagging can help you identify this and apply the tagging. Curious to know how to set it up? Continue reading below!

Setting It Up

1) Navigate to Settings > Shift Tags > +Add Tag.

2) Select “Rest Day/ Off Day” from the drop-down. The form will be auto-filled with template options for “Rest Day”.

3) Any Rest Day or Off Day leave type will be automatically identified and selected.

4) If it did not show up already, you can click on the dropdown and add your rest day / off day leave types.

5) Select “Save” to proceed. You can learn more about excluded hours and more here.

Note: Shifts that meet the tagging requirement set above will be automatically tagged with the shift tag.


1) What happens if I have 2 or more shift tags that have the same tagging requirements? Will there be overlaps in the tagging?

The shift tag that was created the earliest will be given the highest priority and will be chosen for the tagging instead.

2) What happens if I assign leave to a staff before assigning a shift on the same day?

The shift should be auto-tagged regardless as it meets the tagging requirements.

3) What happens if I assign multiple shifts on the same day and then assign a leave?

The shifts should all be auto-tagged if they meet the tagging requirements.

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