Contents of this article are applicable to the following users
Tier: N/A
Product: PayrollAny
Platform: Web
Access Level: Owner
Generally, you will need to file the Form IR21 at least one month before when your non-Singapore Citizen employee (i.e. foreign or Singapore Permanent Resident employee):
resigned or ceases employment with you in Singapore
goes on an overseas posting
plans to leave Singapore for more than three months
As an employer, you have the responsibility to file the Form IR21 and withhold all monies due to the employee for tax clearance purposes. This also applies to all work pass holders.
Before filling out IR21 form, there are two things you need to prepare:
Year-to-date Payroll Report
Staff data which you can download from Mass Edit or view in My Team
This guide will cover the following:
Download Year-to-date Payroll Report
Fill up IR21 form
Download Year-to-date Payroll Report
Go to the Report page.
Select Payroll Reports.
Click on Year-to-date Payroll Reports on the right tab.
Set the year period.
Select the staff you want to include in the report.
Click on the Download Report button on the right bottom.
Your file will be downloaded immediately.
If there are staff who are working in multiple entities, they will have two or more tables within the Excel file. For example, staff Matt Murdock is working on Entity A and Entity B. This is what it will look like in the report:
Fill up IR21 form
You can follow the complete and detailed guidelines by IRAS here or follow the instructions below.
Online submission (recommended)
Login to your myTax Portal account
Select Employers and then File Form IR21
Fill in the form accordingly
Employe ID: Fill in employee’s FIN number
Period of Employment: Join and Resign date
You can refer to staff profile in My Team to fill in the information above:
b. Select “Yes” if the employee’s income is $21,000 or less each year or “No” if the employee's income is more than $21,000 each year. To check, you can refer to past Year-to-date Payroll Report.
c. Make sure the information is correct because it cannot be changed later. Then click on the Proceed button on the right to continue.
d. A confirmation modal will appear and click on the Proceed button.
4. Continue to fill in
a. Employee’s detail
You can refer to employee data in StaffAny’s app to fill up these fields:
(1) Employee job title: Job title
(3) Date of commencement: Join date
(4) Date of cessation: Contract end date
(5) Date of departure: Contract end date (or based on your own records)
(8d) Is salary credited to employee’s bank account: Payment method. Select Yes if the staff’s payment method is Bank Transfer or No if staff’s payment method is other than Bank transfer (i.e. Cash, Cheque, Others)
Refer to Year-to-date Payroll Report to fill in these fields:
(7) Amount of monies withheld - 1 month pay (gross salary)
Details of last salary paid
(8a) Date of payment - The date employee’s get paid
(8b) Amount paid - Gross salary of the previous payroll
(8c) Period in relation to payment date - Month period of the previous payroll
(2) Date of Arrival: Check the letter MoM sent to you
(6) Give reasons if less than 1 month notice (optional): You can leave it blank
To continue, click on Proceed button on the right to go to the next section or Proceed button on the left if you need to make further changes on Spouse/Children Particulars.
b. Income details
In the Year-to-date Payroll Report:
Refer to IR8A Code column to fill in the amount for number (1) to (4) accordingly
Refer to Employee CPF row to fill in the amount for number (6)
c. Click on the Proceed button on the right to continue to the next section or select the other e-Filing page on the left dropdown and then click on Proceed button.
d. Consolidated statement
Make sure that the data for Employee Records and amount for Income Details are correct. If you spot any mistake, you can click on the Edit button on the right to override the data.
Upload the document listed by clicking on Submit File button
In Employer Declaration, fill in the Employer data
Click on Submit button to send the Form IR21 to IRAS
e. Acknowledgement
After you submit the IR21 form, you will be directed to the Acknowledgement page where you can check the status of approval here. You can save this page as PDF or print it by clicking on the Save as PDF/Print button on the top right corner.
Email submission
Download the IR21 form and fill in the data
Login to your myTax Portal account
Click on Email Us (myTax Mail)
Compose mail and attach the completed IR21 form to submit it to IRAS