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Managing Claims on Payroll
Managing Claims on Payroll

Learn how to process claims in PayrollAny

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Written by StaffAny
Updated this week

Contents of this article are applicable to the following users

Tier: NA

Product: StaffAny

Platform: Web

The link from claims to payroll allows you to seamlessly process submitted claims into PayrollAny. Read here to learn how to set up claims approval cut off date before managing claims on payroll.

Claims must be approved first before generating a payrun. If claims are approved after a payroll is generated, it will not show up in that payrun.

This guide will cover the following:

Claims Processed with Monthly Payroll

Follow the following steps:

  1. Go to Payroll > Run Payroll.

  2. Select “Whole Month” under Whole Month/Adhoc dropdown.

  3. Choose the relevant staff to include in the payroll.

  4. Select “Create Payroll” to general the payroll.

    Note: Claims must be approved first before generating a payroll. If claims are approved after a payroll is generated, it will not show up in that payroll.

  5. Go to “Payroll List” and select “View Payroll”. The total amount of claims pushed to this payroll will be shown under the “Net Addition/ Deduction” column.

  6. To view a breakdown of the claims, select “Edit Payroll”. In the table, you can view all the different claims that were processed before the cut off date and pushed to this payroll.

  7. Once you have finalised the payroll and published it, the payslip will reflect the breakdown of each claim under “Net Additions”.

Claims Processed Separately from Payroll

Follow both of these steps to ensure that you do not double count your claims in the payroll.

Ad-hoc Claims Outside Payroll

  1. Go to Payroll >Run Payroll”.

  2. Select “Adhoc” under Whole Month/Adhoc.

  3. Under Pay Items to Include, check all the claim type pay items

    Note: Amounts for the selected items will be automatically displayed in the payrun. You can manually add any unselected pay items while editing the payrun later.

  4. When viewing the payroll, only the “Net Addition/Deduction” has value. Other columns do not have any value.

  5. When editing the payroll, only claims are displayed. You can only add in Claims pay items.

  6. This is also reflected in the payslip.

Process Monthly Payroll Without Claims

  1. When it is time to process monthly payroll, you can exclude claim types from the payrun. Checking this box will ensure that the pay item will be excluded from the payroll.

  2. This is reflected in the Payroll where Net Additions/Deductions will not include claims data.

  3. When editing the payroll, claims will be excluded as well.


What if I have multiple claims submissions for a claim type in a payrun?

Each claim transaction will be presented as a pay item in the payrun. The transaction date of the claim will be reflected in the remarks column, along with the corresponding claim amount.

Each claim transaction will also be represented as a line item on the payslip so that staff will have a clear breakdown of the reimbursement.

What happens if I use the mass edit payroll CSV for the claims data in a payrun?

Any edits to claims in the mass edit payroll CSV will replace the values currently in payrun. The original data cannot be recovered.

If there are >1 transactions from the same claim type, the mass edit payroll will always take the first pay item of the claim type in the pay run. Based on the example in the image above, any edits to transportation claim will only affect the 09 June claim transaction.

Where can I find the total amount for each claim type?

Download the monthly payroll report or year-to-date payroll report to find out how much each staff has claimed for each claim type.

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