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Web App: Schedule

Plan your schedule by creating and assigning shifts

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Written by StaffAny
Updated over 3 months ago

Contents of this article is applicable to the following users


Platform: Web

Access Level: Owner & Manager

The Schedule page is split into 2 parts - Shift Templates at the top half, and Assigned Shifts to staff appear at the bottom half.

Shift Templates allows you to set custom staff requirements for each shift.

Find out if you have over-scheduled or under-scheduled manpower in a glance!

This guide will cover the following:

How It Works

You will need to create the shifts first for the week before you can assign the relevant staff to the shift.

There are two ways to create shifts:

1. Create shift template > Assign shift

2. Create shift on staff's empty cell

Choose either one that suits your work flow better!

Here's a video of how Schedule works:

Overview of Schedule

Before showing how to create your schedules, here is how you can view a breakdown of your weekly hours in our Schedule.

  • the vertical bar beside staffs represent the total hours that each staff has across all sections in the week

  • the horizontal bar at the bottom represents the total hours in the section in the week

Scheduling with StaffAny

There are 2 ways to schedule staffs with StaffAny

  1. Create Shift Template > Assign Shift

  2. Create a custom shift for staff

We recommend creating shift templates because they can be reused. Make scheduling simpler with StaffAny!

Create Shift Template

  1. In Web app, go to Schedule > Select the week > Select the section > Click on + icon.

2. Fill in the details of the shift > Click on 'Create' button.

Note: The labor cost wheel is only visible to Owners access level only and it will always be available to see for everyone with Owners access level whether you restrict them with permission groups or not.

Shift Name (optional)
You can insert the name of your shift.

E.g. Full shift.

Select your shift hours by adjusting the ‘Start’ and ‘End’ timings. Take note our system records timing in 24 hour format.

Unpaid break
Break duration indicated will not be counted in your total worked hours. 

E.g. If you schedule 9 hours of work in a day with 60 mins break, total scheduled hours captured is 8 hours.

Staff and Roles Needed
By default the role is Staff. You can choose to input the number of manpower you require for this shift as well as the different roles you create. 

You can pick a colour to differentiate different shifts for better visibility. 

Copy shift to
Copy shifts to multiple days across the week instantly.

3. Shift templates are created!

Assign Shift to Staff

  1. In Web app, go to Schedule > Select the week > Select the section.

  2. Click on empty cell of a staff > Select the shift you want to assign > Select the role.

Shift Notes

In case you have something or an additional note/information that needs to be given to the staff (For example: staff needs to come early to the shop etc). You can use our "Shift Notes" feature to indicate it.

Note: The shift notes will be shown on the mobile app on the staff's side. So make sure not to put sensitive information on it!

Create custom Shift for Staff

  1. In Web app, go to Schedule > Select the week > Select the section.

  2. Click on empty cell of a staff > Insert timing of the shift > Press Enter.

    E.g. Timing of the shift: 1000-2200

  3. Edit details of the shift > Click on 'Create' button.

Note: The manpower for the shift is fixed at 1 as you directly assigned the shift to a staff. You may still change the type of role for this shift if needed. 

Edit Shift Slot

  1. In Web app, go to Schedule > Select the week > Select the section.

  2. Hover over an assigned shift slot of a staff > Click on 'Edit Details' button.

  3. You may:

  • Remove the staff's shift

  • Assign the staff to other shifts

  • Adjust the shift details

  • Allocate off and leave to the staff

Back to top

Note: Both owners and managers will be able to see the edited shift slot (The edited schedule will be highlighted with a green mark on the shift slot and the timesheet)

Move Shift to Another cell

  1. In Web app, go to Schedule > Select the week > Select the section.

  2. Hover over an assigned shift slot of a staff > Hold the 'Drag' button > Drag the shift slot to another cell.

Copy Shift to Another Cell

  1. In Web app, go to Schedule > Select the week > Select the section.

  2. Hover over an assigned shift slot of a staff > Press Ctrl (Window) / ⌘ (Macbook) once.

    You will see a bar at the bottom written 'Drag And Drop Shifts Slots to Copy'.

3. Hold the 'Drag' button > Drag the shift slot to another cell. The shift slot is copied!

Assign Staff Another Shift

  1. In Web app, go to Schedule > Select the week > Select the section.

  2. Hover over an assigned shift slot of a staff > Click on the '+' button > Select the shift you want to assign > Select the role.

Assign Leave to Staff

Method 1:

  1. In Web app, go to Schedule > Select the week > Select the section.

  2. Click on empty cell of a staff > Select the leave.

Method 2:

  1. In Web app, go to Schedule > Select the week > Select the section.

  2. Hover over an assigned shift slot of a staff > Click on the '+' button > Select the leave.

Copy Existing Schedules to Subsequent Weeks

Once you have finished creating and assigning shifts, you can copy over the exact schedule created to the following weeks to save time.

  1. In Web app, go to Schedule > Select the week > Select the section.

  2. Click on 'Copy' button > Select the week you would like to copy.

3. Select the criteria > Click on 'OK' button.

Copy Full Timers Only

This option will copy over your current week's schedule with the shifts assigned to the selected Full Timers over to the week you selected.

Copy All Staff

This option will copy over your current week's schedule with shifts assigned to selected Full Timers and Part Timers over to the week you selected.

Don't copy staff

This option will only copy over the shifts you created without the assignment of shifts over to the week you selected. You can start a clean slate of assigning shifts.


Q: Help! I cannot copy my schedule for my previous week, it says that " The shifts are already assigned" but my next week schedule is already empty?

A: This is because previously you already made a Shift Template/Assigned a shift on that specific week. By doing this, the system will mark it as being "assigned" eventhough it's already empty.

After deleting the week, you should be able to copy the shifts from previous week.

Q: How do I differentiate an empty week and week that's already been assigned?

A: An empty week will be marked with a "greyed out" publish button like in this picture.

If the publish button is marked as green, this means the week is already assigned, which you need to delete first.

Scheduled Overtime Indicator

Scheduled Overtime is the overtime hours that a staff will be working according to schedule. What is actually reflected on the timesheet is Actual Overtime - learn more

Under the name of each staff, there is a Scheduled OT indicator (boxed in red)

The Scheduled OT Indicator contains 2 numbers

  1. Scheduled working hours for the week

  2. Difference to OT limit

    • This number disappears if staff is working at OT limit

    • Positive if staff is working more than OT limit

    • Negative if staff is working less than OT limit

Example of Undertime: Staff is working less than OT limit

Example of Overtime: Staff is working more than OT limit

Example of staff working at OT limit

Hover your mouse over the Scheduled OT Indicator to learn more

The expanded Scheduled OT Indicator contains the following

  • Summary of overtime

    • a short summary of whether staff is working Overtime or Undertime

    • if working at overtime/undertime, it will show the difference to OT limit

  • Total sched hours/OT Limit

    • Shows how much hours staff is scheduled to work VS OT Limit

  • Sched OT hours

    • Shows how much Overtime staff is working (if any)

  • Diff to OT limit

    • Shows the difference to OT limi

Export Schedule

  1. In Web app, go to Schedule > Select the week > Select the section > Click on 'Export' button > Select to export schedule for current schedule or all sections schedule.

    You can only export schedule for sections that you are tagged into.

2. Select PDF or CSV format > Click on 'Export' button.

Publish Schedule

  1. In Web app, go to Schedule > Select the week > Select the section > Click on 'Publish' button.

Upon publishing the schedule, staff will receive notifications informing them of their upcoming shifts for the week. Changes can still be made even after publishing.

However, you will NOT be able to delete a shift or unassign a staff if the shift has already been clocked in/out. 

Unpublish Schedule

In case that you've made a mistake or need to make an adjustment on the Schedule that you've already published, you can Unpublish the schedule by highlighting the greyed out "Publish button" , after that you can click the "Unpublish Week" button to unpublish the schedule.

Note: You cannot unpublish a week if there's already a clock record on one of the shift. You need to delete the clock record first before being able to unpublish it.

Other Shift Slot View Options

To view the shift name on the shift slots, simply click “View Options” > toggle “Show Shift Name or Show Break Details”. The shift name or break details will appear in the shift slot.

Note: Only 1 toggle can be enabled at one time.

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