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Web App: Timesheet

How to view, edit and export timesheet on Web App

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Written by StaffAny
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Contents of this article are applicable to the following users


Platform: Web

Access Level: Owner & Manager

StaffAny's Timesheet gives you a bird eye's view of your staff's clock records. This guide will cover the following:

How It Works

Before exporting timesheets, remember to resolve any pending records as pending records will not be accounted for in exported timesheet.

Here's a video of how Timesheet works:

To access timesheets on your Web App, simply click on the Timesheet tab on the top bar.

Timesheet filters

There are 6 filters you can use to view the timesheet.



Date Range

Filter for any range of dates


Filter for a week

Wage Type

Filter for staffs that are hourly/salaried

Section Staff

Filter for staffs who are tagged to the selected section

Section Hours

Filter for staffs who have worked in the selected section

Staff Name

Filter with staff name

Take note that whenever you're using Section Hours filter, the leave tag won't be shown on the timesheet because leaves is not taken in a particular section.

Please disable the section hour filter If you want to see the leaves taken by the staff on the timesheet.

2. Export Timesheet

Before exporting your timesheet, we strongly suggest checking for any potential discrepancies, and locking the timesheet.

To export timesheet:

  1. In the Web App Timesheets, Click on Export Filtered > click Summary or Individual.


An overview of total worked hours for all staff for the selected time period.


A detailed breakdown of hours worked by individual or all staff for the selected time period.

For Individual, select the criteria (if needed) > click Export.

Average out OT across worked days

This will help calculate the total hours that staff worked more than their sum of OT LIMITS across the days they worked.

Include non-worked day rows

This will show date rows in the export even if the staff has not scheduled any activity for dthe day.


Staff A is an hourly staff until 30th June, and he became a salaried staff on 1st July.

Hourly Staff: up until 30th June

Salaried Staff: 1st July onwards

By exporting a timesheet by filtering Hourly Staff only, his data from 30th June onwards will be shown empty despite him actually working on 1st July.

Click the button below for the sample of the Timesheet Export


Staff with outstanding issues (e.g. unscheduled shifts request or unapproved leaves) will not be filtered out as the pending unscheduled shifts request or unapproved leaves do not affect the staff’s monthly paid hours until they are finalised and approved.

Edit Clocked Records

  1. In Web app, go to Timesheet > Select the desired time frame and/or Section Staff/Hours to view your Timesheet.

  2. Click on a staff to view the clocked records.

3. Click on the clocked records.

4. Adjust Timeclock by selecting the time and/or Unpaid break by inserting the number > Click Save.

Black: Original clocked records

Green: Amended clocked records

All clocked records and changes made to Timesheet and published Schedule will be shown under Timecard History.

Here are a list of records/actions made that will show up in the Timecard History:

  • Staff clock in time

  • Staff clock out time

  • Any post publish schedule start / end time edits by managers

  • Any overrides to clock in / clock out timing a manager did

  • Break time a staff clocked in and out from

  • Duration of break a staff breaked for

  • Work more request requested by staff

  • Work more request approved / rejected by manager

  • Unscheduled clock in / approvals

View Location/Photo Taken When A Staff Clocked In/Out

If your staff is tagged in a section with Web Timeclock or GPS Timeclock, you are able to view the location and/or photo taken at the time they clocked in/out in Timesheet.

  1. In Web app, go to Timesheet > Select the desired time frame and/or Section Staff/Hours to view your Timesheet.

  1. Click on a staff > Hover over the eye icon.

3. Click on the eye icon to open the location/photos.

Note: There will be no location if the section is under the Web Timeclock setting

To learn more about Timeclock Methods, visit the help article here

Actual Overtime Indicator

Actual Overtime refers to the overtime that will be reflected on a staff's timesheet.

In other words, it is the overtime that a staff will be paid for.

Actual overtime is reflected in the OT column (boxed in red)

You can also view the break down of their overtime hours by clicking on them.


For more frequently asked question regarding timesheet, you can click here

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