Contents of this article is applicable to the following users
Platform: Web
Access Level: Owner/Manager/Supervisor/Employee
Here are some of the common issues that you might face when you are logging into the StaffAny web app.
Issue 1: Cannot receive OTP or Blocked from Logging in
Logging into StaffAny requires a One Time Password (OTP) via SMS. For Indonesian users, the OTP is sent via WhatsApp instead. When a user attempts to login multiple times (usually >5 in an hours), the account will be temporarily blocked by the system. This is implemented to prevent potential fraud cases.
If you have encountered this issue, please wait for at least an hour for the system to refresh before trying again. If above steps still do not work, please fill in this form.
Issue 2: Cannot edit timesheet clock in/check in timings
Ensure that the week's schedule is published
Ensure that staff has a shift assigned on that day (eg "DEM" in the image below)
Success! Now you can click on 'time in/out' to edit the timings