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Shift Tags

Easily count different types of hours (rest/off day work) or shifts (closing/night shifts) for accurate timesheets

StaffAny avatar
Written by StaffAny
Updated over a month ago

Contents of this article are applicable to the following users


Platform: Mobile & Web


Some companies pay special rates or allowances when staff work outside of their normal hours. For example, you may need Shift Tags to keep track:

  1. Special work hours:

    1. Rest Day or Off Day Hours

  2. Special allowances:

    1. Closing Shift Allowance

    2. Night Shift Allowance

    3. Meal Allowance

Shift Tags allows you to flexibly tag shifts to either count the hours in that shift or count occurrences of those shifts. These will be consolidated in the Timesheets (Specials column)

This guide will cover the following:

Setup new shift tags

1) If Shift Tags is enabled for your team, go to Settings > Shift Tags > Add Tag to add a new shift tag.

2) Start by selecting either a template or customize by yourself from the drop-down menu.

3) If you select a template of Rest Day/Off Day, the settings will be pre-populated. Learn more about automated shift tagging here.

4) If you select "I will customize myself", a blank form will be displayed and you can setup accordingly.

Automated Tagging

Select “Shift falls on a day with:” and the Leave Types to automatically tag shifts that meet the rules. Learn more here.

The auto-tagged shift tag can be seen on the timecard in Timesheet.

Understanding the Setup Form

Hours Calculation


Count the hours worked in shift

The hours worked on the tagged shift will be counted separately under the Shift Tag column instead of the “Basic” column in Timesheet. (See more below)

Do not count hours (Count occurrences)

The hours worked for the tagged shift will still be counted under “Basic”. In addition, the number of times such shift tags occur will be counted under a new Shift Tag column in Timesheet. (See more below)

Effect on Overtime


Include the hours

The hours will be counted in OT calculation logic.

Exclude the hours

The hours will not be counted in OT calculation logic.

Typical Setup for Special Shift Allowances

Refer to this table for the suggested setup for common hours and allowances

Types of Hours / Allowances

How this affects Timesheets

Suggested Setup

Rest Day Work Hours

Counting hours when staff works on their mandatory scheduled rest day

Hours in shifts tagged will not count toward both "Basic hours" and "Overtime hours"

Hours will contribute toward a separate "Rest Day Hours" in Timesheets, and show up as a separate column in the Timesheet export

Tag Name: Rest Day Work

Short Tag: RD

Hours Calculation: Count the hours worked in shift

Effect on Overtime Exclude the hours

Off Day Work Hours

Counting hours when staff works on their off day

Hours in shifts tagged will not count toward both "Basic hours" and "Overtime hours"

Hours will contribute toward a separate "Off Day Hours" column in Timesheets, and show up as a separate column in the Timesheet export

Tag Name: Off Day Work

Short Tag: OD

Hours Calculation: Count the hours worked in shift

Effect on Overtime Exclude the hours

Closing Shift Allowance

Counting the number of times that staff work closing shifts

No effect on hours counting

Number of shifts with this tag will be counted as a separate "Closing Shift" column in the Timesheet export

Tag Name: Closing Shift

Short Tag: CS

Hours Calculation: Count occurrences

Night Shift Allowance

Counting the number of times that staff work night shifts

No effect on hours counting

Number of shifts with this tag will be counted as a separate "Night Shift" column in the Timesheet export

Tag Name: Night Shift

Short Tag: NS

Hours Calculation: Count occurrences

Extra Allowance

Counting the number of times that staff has completed shifts with more than X hours.

No effect on hours counting

Number of shifts with this tag will be counted as a separate "Extra Allowance" column in the Timesheet export

Tag Name: Extra Allowance

Short Tag: EA

Hours Calculation: Count occurrences

Note: Shift Tags cannot be edited after creation, please ensure that your tag is setup properly before pressing "Save" and creating it.

Archiving and Unarchiving Shift Tags

If you don't need past Shift Tags that you have created, or make any mistakes while setting it up, you can archive your Shift Tags.

To archive a Shift Tag, on the Shift Tags setting page, click on More > Archive.

You can either archive and unassign the tag from all past records or just archive it.

You can unarchive a Shift Tag to recover past tags. On an archived Shift Tag, click on More > Unarchive.

Manually Applying Shift Tags

On Timesheet Web App

1) Go to Timesheets > Select a staff.

2) Select a Timecard and you’ll see a “Shift Tags” section.

3) Select the correct tag for this staff. Shift tags that are automatically tagged will be displayed here.

4) Press "Save". The staff should be properly tagged!

The tag will show up for the timecard that the staff is tagged for in the Individual Timesheet, and will show up as a tag for the staff in the Summary Timesheet too.

On Timesheet - Mobile App

Go to Timesheets > Select a Timecard, and you'll see a "Shift Tags" section. Add the respective Shift Tag, and press save.

Note: You can apply multiple "Count Shifts" Shift Tag to a shift, but only 1 "Count Hours" Shift Tag to a shift

On Schedule - Web App

Add convenience to your workflow by managing shift tags on the Schedule.

First, hover over an existing shift slot in the Schedule and click on the “Edit” icon to edit it.

Under “Adjust Slot Details” in the popup window, you can add Shift Tags by clicking on the “Search shift tags” field and selecting the relevant tags. To remove a tag, click the “×” on the right-handright hand side of the tag.

The Shift Tags have been assigned to the relevant shift slot! The “Tag” icon in a slot indicates that there are Shift Tags assigned to it. To view or edit the tags, repeat the steps above.

On Schedule - Mobile App

To manage shift tags on Mobile, ensure that you are on the Employee view. Learn how to switch views here.

From the Employee view, tap on an existing shift. If there are no existing shifts, assign one.

In the Edit Shift Time window, tap on “+ Add Special Tags”. Select the relevant tags, and tap “Confirm”.

To remove a tag, tap the “×” icon in the tag. Alternatively, you can tap “Remove all” to remove all tags.

When done, tap “Save”.

Exporting Timesheets with Shift Tags

When you export timesheets, the Shift Tags created and tagged should show up as a separate column on the Timesheet Summary Export

It should also show up as a separate column in the Timesheet Individual Export

You will then be able to use the export data to run payroll easily and accurately!


Archiving & Unarchiving

1) What happens if I unarchive a shift tag that is manually tagged?

It should not trigger a recalculation.

2) What happens if I unarchive an automated shift tag?

It should trigger a recalculation and auto-tagging.

3) What happens if I archive a used tag?

It should trigger a recalculation from schedule lock date until current date. Learn more about Schedule lock date here.

4) What happens if I archive an unused tag (tags that have not been tagged to any shifts)?

It should not trigger a recalculation.

Approving & Rejecting Leaves

1) Will the shift be auto-tagged if the leave request on the same day is still pending?

The shift will not be auto-tagged. The shift will only be auto-tagged after the leave request has been approved.

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