Contents of this article are applicable to the following users
Platform: Web
Access Level: Owner & Manager
With Target Manpower Tracking, you can keep track via hourly or 30-minute intervals to avoid over or understaffing of roles throughout each day to optimise manpower allocation.
Use this alongside our SPLH (Sales Per Labour Hour) tracking to maximise your labour efficiency. Learn more about it here.
This guide will cover the following:
Setting Target Manpower
Note: Only those with Owner access level can set the target manpower.
On the Settings page, click on “Target Manpower”.
Select the week and section you would like to set the target manpower for
Click on a date to show its detailed target manpower breakdown.
Click on each cell to key in the target manpower.
When done, close the detailed day view by clicking on the date again.
Repeat for each day.
You can edit cells in a similar way to Microsoft Excel:
Navigate between cells using the arrow keys or Tab/Enter keys
Click and drag to select multiple cells
Copy (CTRL + C) and Paste (CTRL + V) data across cells
Delete data using the Backspace / Delete keys
If there is an event on a day, you can hover your mouse over the event badge to see what event it is. Click on “Go to Special Dates” to get more details about the event. Learn more about events and special dates here.
1a. Adding/Removing roles
You can add or remove roles from your target manpower allocation via the “Add Existing Role” box.
To add a role, click the box and type out or select a role to add from the dropdown list.
To remove a role, click on the “✕” on the relevant pill.
Note: Can’t find a desired role? Learn how to set up roles here.
1b. Changing interval period
You can toggle between hourly and 30-minute intervals via the dropdown button above the table. This button only appears when you have opened the detailed view for a date.
1d. Setting Target Manpower on Schedule
You can also set Target Manpower on Schedule by selecting the gear icon in the Target Manpower Footer.
1c. Copying across weeks
You can copy the week’s target manpower allocation to upcoming weeks by clicking on the “Copy to following weeks” button and selecting an option from the dropdown menu. You can copy values to the next week, 4 weeks, 8 weeks, or 12 weeks.
If target manpower data exists in the following weeks, you cannot copy the target manpower. To do so, you have to delete the data first.
“0” is still considered a value. Delete “0” to clear the cell.
Note: You cannot copy target manpower across weeks while the table is being edited.
2. Viewing Target Manpower on Schedule
The Target Manpower allocation can be viewed at the bottom of the page on the Schedule Day View. To switch to the Target Manpower footer from the SPLH footer:
Click on “Show” to expand the footer.
Click on the hamburger icon (three lines) on the far left
Select “Target Manpower”.
2a. Manpower Breakdown and Indicator
The numbers shown represent Scheduled Manpower / Target Manpower:
If Scheduled Manpower = Target Manpower, the numbers will be in green.
If Scheduled Manpower ≠ Target Manpower, the numbers will be in red.
On the graph:
Scheduled manpower is shown in faded green.
Target manpower is shown in faded yellow.
If Scheduled Manpower = Target Manpower, it will be solid green.
You can hover over the target manpower allocation for each day to view a detailed breakdown for each role.
2b. Breaks affecting Target Manpower
Break timings will also affect the visualisation of Target Manpower. When a staff is scheduled for break, the target manpower chart will be affected; indicating that the manpower is not optimum.
Eg. Staff A takes break from 13:00 to 14:00. During that interval, he/she will not be included in the Target Manpower chart.
2c. Changing target manpower
You can change the target manpower for specific timings directly on the Schedule.
Note: Only owners can change the target manpower.
Click on the target manpower allocation for the relevant timing
Adjust the target manpower number(s) and role(s) accordingly.
When done, click “Save”.
You can add roles by clicking on “+ Add More Roles” or delete roles by clicking on the red trash can beside the role.
2d. Roles Breakdown View
You can view the manpower breakdowns of different roles that you have set by selecting the icon shown above. The roles displayed are the same as what was set in Target Manpower.
Publishing a Schedule with Target Manpower
If you try publishing a schedule while the Scheduled Manpower ≠ Target Manpower, the following warning will be shown in the confirmation modal:
If you try publishing a schedule while target manpower has been set for some days and not others, the following warning will also be displayed in the confirmation modal:
You can click “Cancel” to go back and make the necessary amendments, or you can ignore the warning and continue by clicking “Publish Anyway”.