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Challenge Goal Type: Minimum Worked Hours
Challenge Goal Type: Minimum Worked Hours

Learn more about the Minimum Worked Hours Challenge.

StaffAny avatar
Written by StaffAny
Updated over 10 months ago

Contents of this article are applicable to the following users

Tier: NA

Product: EngageAny

Platform: Web

Access Level: Owner & Manager

Increase workplace performance with gamification by setting up challenges where employees can participate to win and earn coins! With those coins, employees can redeem various rewards from the Reward Catalogue. Learn more about the Rewards module here!

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This article will explain the Minimum Worked Hours Goal Type in more detail. Learn more about Creating and Tracking Challenges here.

This guide will cover the following:

Minimum Worked Hours

Incentivise your part timers to work more hours and help the business run smoothly without the need to process the incentives during payroll. If you are a business in Singapore, you can use this to increase your local head count for WP and S Pass Quota.

Ensure that your Timesheet records are accurate and up to date so that the challenge progress is at its most accurate. This goal type considers the Total Paid Hours that the staff has completed for all sections that they have worked at. This is retrieved from Timesheet automatically.

Pro Tip: Ensure that your timesheets are updated regularly to ensure that the challenge progress is accurate.

Configuring Reward Milestone(s)

When configuring the Reward Milestones, you need to indicate the minimum number of hours worked that you want the participants to achieve. Add more milestones to set higher tiers for participants to strive to hit. The higher the number of hours worked, the more coins they stand to be awarded.

Note: Coins will only be given out when the whole challenge has ended. Participants who have achieved the target number of worked hours will receive them automatically.

Viewing Challenge Progress

You can view the challenge information and milestones at the top of the page. The challenge table displays various information as follows:

  • Rank: Shows the ranking of participants based on the highest number of hours worked.

  • Name: Name of Participant

  • Number of Hours Worked: Shows the number of hours worked. (Based on Clocked Hours + Paid Leave Hours + Overtime Hours - Unpaid Break Hours)

  • Coins Earned: Amount of coins participants earned

  • Milestone Achieved: Shows which milestone participants achieved.

How to end challenge and disburse coins

There are 2 ways for ending a challenge:

  • Time Triggered

    • The challenge will naturally end based on the date set in the challenge end date when you create the challenge.

  • User Triggered

    • The challenge ends when the user selects “End Challenge” or its equivalent found in the Challenge Details page or on the Challenge card in the Dashboard.

  1. One Time Challenge (Not Recurring)

    1. Time Triggered & User Triggered

      1. Challenge will cease.

      2. Participants are notified that the challenge has ended.

      3. Owners and managers cannot make changes to the list of participants

      4. Rewards are awarded to participants that achieved the goal of the challenge.

  2. Recurring Challenge

    1. Time Triggered

      1. Current challenge cycle will end.

      2. Participants are notified that the challenge has ended.

      3. Owners and managers cannot make changes to the list of participants.

      4. Rewards are awarded to participants that achieved the goal of the challenge.

    2. User Triggered

      1. Stop the current and future recurring cycles of the challenge.

      2. Participants are notified that the challenge has ended.

      3. Participants’ progress for the challenge are based on the duration between the start date and the date that the challenge is manually ended.

      4. Owners and managers cannot make changes to the list of participants.

      5. Rewards are awarded to participants that achieved the goal of the challenge

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