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Creating and Tracking Challenges
Creating and Tracking Challenges

Increase workplace performance with gamification by setting up challenges where employees can participate to win coins!

StaffAny avatar
Written by StaffAny
Updated over 10 months ago

Contents of this article are applicable to the following users

Tier: NA

Product: EngageAny

Platform: Web

Access Level: Owner & Manager

Increase workplace performance with gamification by setting up challenges where employees can participate to win and earn coins! With those coins, employees can redeem various rewards from the Reward Catalogue. Learn more about the Rewards module here!

EngageAny is currently an exclusive feature, please contact our sales or drop us an email at [email protected]

This article will explain to you how to create and manage new challenges and view their progress. Learn more about how employees complete these challenges here.

This guide will cover the following:

Creating a New Challenge

Follow the following steps to create a new challenge:

1) Go to Engage > Challenges > “Create New Challenge”.

2) Under Goal Settings, select a Goal Type for the challenge that you are creating.

A goal type determines the objectives of the challenge. Here are the list of goal types you can choose from:

  1. Number of Shifts

  2. Punctuality

  3. Minimum Worked Hours

  4. Monthly Sales Target

  5. Customer Review: Star Review

  6. Create Your Own Challenge (CYOC)

Learn more about each goal type by clicking the respective links above.

3) Under General Information, fill in the Name and Description of the challenge. Select ‘Next’ to proceed to the next step.

4) Next, configure the challenge settings which includes

  1. Time Settings

  2. Reward Settings

  3. Reward Milestones

Time Settings

Set whether the challenge will happen on a recurring basis. When “Recurring Challenge” is toggled OFF, the challenge is considered as a One-Off Challenge.

When “Recurring Challenge” is toggled ON, you need to indicate the cycle of the recurrence (Weekly or Monthly) as well as the Start and End of the challenge.

Reward Settings

Select the Reward Type that the challenge will award to the participants when they have achieved the milestone(s) of the challenge. At the moment, we only support “Coins”.

Next, set up the reward milestone(s) for the challenge. You can set either a Single Milestone or Multiple Milestones. For Single Milestone challenges, you just need to indicate the rules and rewards for just 1 milestone.

For multi milestones challenges, you can click “Add Milestone” to add another milestone. A maximum of 5 milestones can be added into a challenge. The input amount for the rule and reward of each milestone should be increasing order (From Milestone 1 to Milestone 5).

Note: Different goal types will have different rules in the Reward Milestones table. You can learn more about them by searching for the respective goal type help articles.

We recommend using the following coins to dollar ratio:

  • Singapore: S$1 = 100 coins

  • Malaysia: RM1 = 100 coins

  • Indonesia: Rp 100,000 = 100 coins

Once you are done setting up the challenge settings, click “Next” to proceed to the next step.

5) Select the participants who are participating in the challenge. You can search, filter and sort staff in the table. Once done, select “Publish” to set the challenge live or “Save As Draft” to save it to drafts.

A confirmation popup will appear, informing you that all participants will be notified once the challenge has been published. Select “Publish” to confirm.

Viewing Challenges Progress

You can view the progress of all challenges in the Challenges Dashboard.

Note: Only Owners and Managers can view the Challenges Dashboard.

There are 5 tabs in the challenge table:

  • Active: Challenges that are currently active and ongoing.

  • Pending: Challenges that have been published but not yet started.

  • Ended: Challenges that have ended.

  • Drafts: Challenges that were saved as drafts

  • Action Needed: Challenges that requires the attention and action of users such as approving or rejecting a proof submission (Create Your Own Challenge) or disbursing rewards (Monthly Sales Target)

Each challenge is represented by a “Challenge Card” found in the table.

Click on the challenge card to view more information on the challenge.

Note: The content of this page may vary depending on the Goal Type you have selected.

Managing Participants

Note: Only Owners and managers can manage participants in a challenge.

To make changes to the list of participants in an active challenge, follow these steps:

1) Select “Manage Participants” on the Challenge Page.

2) To add participants into the challenge, simply check the box beside the staff's name. To remove participants from the challenge, simply uncheck the box.

Note: There has to be at least 1 participant in the challenge.

3) Once you have added all the participants, click “Next”. A confirmation popup will appear, displaying the list of added/removed participants. Select “Confirm” to finalise the changes.

Duplicate Challenge

You can quickly duplicate any challenges by clicking on “...” on a challenge card and select “Duplicate Challenge”.

The challenge will appear as “Copy of {Challenge Name}”. All the settings from the original challenge will be copied.

Ending an Active Challenge

Note: Only owners and managers can end an active challenge.

There are 2 main ways to end an active challenge:

  • Time Triggered

    • The challenge will naturally end based on the date set in the challenge end date when you create the challenge.

  • User Triggered

    • The challenge ends when the user selects “End Challenge” or its equivalent found in the Challenge Details page or on the Challenge card in the Dashboard.

    • Note: Different goal types may have a different way to end a challenge. Learn more by searching for the respective goal type help articles.

You can also end a challenge by selecting "End Challenge" on the "..." in a challenge card.

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