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Cost Attribution

What is Home Section? How to Use Home Sections for Cost Attribution?

StaffAny avatar
Written by StaffAny
Updated over 5 months ago

Contents of this article are applicable to the following users

Tier: N/A

Product: PayrollAny

Platform: Web

Home Sections allow you to allocate employee-related costs to specific departments or teams. By assigning a Home Section to each employee, you can track and attribute payroll costs to the appropriate areas within your organisation. This provides valuable insights into how much each department or team is spending on personnel, which is crucial for effective budgeting and financial management.

This guide explains how to:

Tag Employees with Home Sections

Manually on Employee’s Profile

  1. Go to My Team

  2. Select the employee

  3. Click the Work Information card and set the Home Section


    1. You can only assign one home section to the staff. If you want to add more sections, please contact Customer Support via the green chat button.

    2. Any leaves that assigned to the staff, it will be allocated to the home section of that user at the time of assignment.

  4. Click Save

Via Mass Edit Staff

You can also do bulk editing with Mass Edit Staff:

  1. Go to My Team, click on the Mass Add/Edit button, and select CSV-Edit Staff Details

  2. A modal will appear and click on the Download button

  3. Open the CSV file and locate the Home Section column

  4. Enter the Section name and save the file as .CSV

  5. Upload the edited file and click on Submit

View Home Section on Payroll

There are two ways to view home section on payroll:

  1. Option 1: View Payroll Page:

    1. Navigate to the Payroll page

    2. Click on the Payroll List.

    3. Select the desired payroll cycle and click on the View Payroll button to see the details.

    4. Payroll will be divided into each entity, and within each entity, there will be a designated home section for each staff

  2. Option 2: Monthly Payroll Report:

    1. Download the monthly payroll report.

    2. The Home Section column will be included in the report, allowing you to analyze costs by department.

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