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Business Entity Setup

How to setup business entity?

StaffAny avatar
Written by StaffAny
Updated over 5 months ago

Contents of this article are applicable to the following users

Tier: N/A

Product: Payroll

Platform: Web

Before adding employees and running payroll, we need to set up the business entity. Every employee must be tagged to the correct entity before you can run payroll for them.

This guide will cover the following:

How to set up a Business Entity

Follow the following steps to create a Business Entity:

  1. Click on the Payroll menu next to the timesheet and there will be 4 sidebar menus related to payroll.

  2. On the Business Entity sidebar menu, click on the Create New Entity button.

  3. Fill in the name of the entity, then select the Business Registration Type and fill in the Business Registration Number based on the type.

    For more information, please refer to the Organisation, Section, and UEN article

  4. Select the Business Sector and fill in the rest of the required fields.

  5. Fill in your CPF Submission Number (CSN), which is a unique identifier used by employers to transact with the CPF Board. This includes making CPF payments and making any request relating to employer matters.

    1. The format should be UEN + Payment Type (e.g. PTE, VCT) + Serial Number (e.g. 01, 02, 03).
      CSN example: 202109999S-PTE-01

    2. If your company is not registered with CPF, you can easily create one on the CPF website and follow the instructions here.

  6. Fill in the Address Detail of the business entity.

  7. Scroll to the Bank Detail section and select the Bank Name.
    Note: We are currently focusing on 3 banks: DBS, OCBC, and UOB. If you use DBS as the entity bank, please provide a DBS Organisation ID.

  8. Finish the creation by clicking on the Save button.

To view the details of the business entity:

  1. Click on the entity name you want to view

  2. You will directed to the view entity page

How to Edit Business Entity

To edit a business entity details:

  1. Click on the Edit button

  2. In the Edit Business Entity page, make the changes and click on the Save button to apply the changes.

How to Archive Unused Business Entity

  1. If the business entity is not used anymore, you can archive it by clicking the Archive button.

  2. A confirmation modal will appear and click on the Archive button to proceed.

  3. The entity will be moved to the Archived tab.
    Note: If you want to make changes to a business entity that has been archived, you'll need to unarchive it first.

When you archive a business entity:

  • The staff will be removed from the archived business entity and they need to be tagged to another active business entity to allow them to be selected for payroll

  • The staff cannot be tagged to the archived business entity

To unarchive a business entity:

  1. Click the Archived tab

  2. Select the entity you want to unarchive and click on the Unarchive button

  3. A confirmation modal will appear and click on the Unarchive button to proceed

  4. The entity will be moved to the Active tab

Frequently Asked Questions about Business Entity Setup

Q: What should I choose for the Business Registration Type? What is the format for the Business Registration Number?

A: For the Business Registration Type, you can choose between:

  • UEN - Business Registration number issued by ACRA: Sole Proprietorship, LP, LLP that registered with ACRA

    Pro tip: If your ACRA registration number is 9 digits in the form of nnnnnnnnX, you are likely to fall into this category
  • UEN - Local Company Registration number issued by ACRA: Pte Ltd registered with ACRA.

    Pro tip: If your ACRA registration number is 10 digits in the form of yyyynnnnnX, you are likely to fall into this category
  • All other entities which will be issued new UEN: For entities with UEN that did not register with ACRA and issued with new UEN

    Pro tip: If your ACRA registration number is 10 digits in the form of TyyPQnnnnX, you are likely to fall into this category

For more information, please refer to the Unique Entity Number website.

Q: Why can't I create a business entity? Why do I get an error saying invalid format for UEN Business Registration Number or invalid format for CPF Submission Number?

A: Make sure that you choose the right Business Registration Type and enter the Business Registration Number that follows the right format according to the Unique Entity Number website. To understand more about UEN, please refer to Organisation, Section, and UEN. As for the CPF Submission Number (CSN), it should contain at least 9 alphanumeric characters.

Q: My business entity does not use DBS, OCBC, or UOB. What should I choose?

A: Currently our Payroll feature does not support other banks than DBS, OCBC, and UOB. Please contact our team for further information regarding the bank options for your business entity.

Learn more about other articles related to Payroll Setup:

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