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Employee Profile Setup for Payroll
Employee Profile Setup for Payroll

What are the requirements on employee profiles to run payroll? How to complete employee data? My staff is not ready for payroll, what to do?

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Written by StaffAny
Updated over 3 months ago

Contents of this article apply to the following users

Tier: N/A

Product: Payroll

Platform: Web

To ensure accurate payroll processing, complete employee data thoroughly, including personal information like race and religion (for SHG), citizenship (for CPF), detailed wage, and banking details.

This article will help you fill up staff data manually. Another way to do this faster is using Mass Edit, explore more about Mass Edit here.

After you are done with setting up the Business Entity and Custom Pay Item, you can move to the My Team page and select the staff to complete the rest of the Payroll data. There will be new payroll specific fields to fill up, which will be highlighted in this article.

This guide will cover the following:

Complete Basic Information

  1. To start, you can navigate to the main menu on the top bar click on My Team then you can click on one of the staff names to view the Employee Detail Information page. For each staff, there is an info box to highlight which information you’ll need to add for the staff.

  2. Compared to non-payroll staff basic information needs to be filled in:

    1. Legal Name

    2. Date of Birth

    3. Marital Status

    4. Gender

    5. Race

    6. Religion

    Race and Religion information is required for generating accurate Self-Help Group (SHG) contributions.

Tag employee to Business Entity

After you are done with basic information, next to it on the Work Information card you can tag the staff to the business entity you made previously. Before tagging your staff to the entity, make sure to set up your business entity first.

Set up Identification Information

Scroll down on the same page, and you will find a new card called Singapore Identification Information. This form will be a mandatory part of payroll to generate statutory items such as CPF, SHG Contribution, and SDL.

Follow the following steps to fill out the form:

  1. You need to choose the Citizenship type the employee has.

  2. Select Nationality (optional). This data is needed for IR8A submission.

  3. Select Identity Type (Option: NRIC, FIN, or Passport) and fill in the Identity Number based on its type.

    1. If you choose citizenship as Singapore Citizen and set the identity type as NRIC or FIN, we suggest that you validate employee's NRIC/FIN number here.

      Note: Make sure that the NRIC or FIN is correct because it will affecting CPF Submission File.

    2. If you choose citizenship as a Permanent Resident, you need to fill in Effective Date (required) and Expiry Date (optional). Learn more about Permanent Resident Contribution Rates here.

    3. If you choose citizenship as Foreigner, you need to fill in:

      1. Work Pass Type (required)

      2. Permit Number (optional)

      3. Issue Date (optional)

      4. Expiry Date (optional)

  4. After filling out the required form, click the Save button to finish the process.

Set up Statutory & Payment

Continue the step to setting up the Statutory & Payment under Basic Information’s card. The card will look like the example below before you edit any changes inside.

Follow the following steps to fill out the form:

  1. Fill in the Payment section based on how you want to pay them. Currently, we have 4 methods for payment: Bank Transfer, Cash, Cheque, and Others.

    • Only employees with Bank Transfer as their payment method will be shown in the bank file.

    • If filled, Payment Remarks will be displayed in employee’s payslip

    • If you’re paying your employee with PayNow, select “Others” and fill in their account details in the Payment Remarks.

  2. Move to the Statutory section you will have the Eligible SHG contribution auto-generated based on employee race, religion, and citizenship information. On the Contribution Amount, you have the option to opt out of SHG Contribution based on employee request or customize the amount. Learn more about SHG Contributions here.

  3. The CPF and SDL contributions are mandatory for eligible employees based on their Singapore identification information. Student employees and those meeting specific criteria (e.g., age, nationality) may be exempt, explore more here. Some employers may handle SDL contributions differently under their employment contracts, learn more here.

  4. Lastly, click on the Save button to finish the process.

Set up Employee’s Wages

Continue the step to setting up the employee’s wages in the Current Wages Setup card. The card will look like below before you make any changes.

Follow the following steps to fill out the form:

  1. Enter the employee’s Job Title (optional)

  2. Set the Wage Type:

    1. Hourly: If the employee is paid by an hourly rate. Staff with Hourly wage type will be automatically tagged to the hourly default pay items such as Basic Pay (hourly), Overtime Pay, Event Pay, and Weekend Pay. Explore more about the different pay items hourly employees are tagged to here.

    2. Salaried: If the employee receives a fixed salary monthly. Staff with Salaried wage type will be automatically tagged to salaried default pay items such as Basic Pay (salaried) and Overtime Pay. Explore more about the different pay items salaried employees are tagged to here.

  3. Set the Pay Cycle:

    1. Monthly: if the employee is paid monthly.

    2. Weekly: if the employee is paid weekly.

  4. Set the Working Days per Week: Select the number of days per week the employee is expected to work.

    1. For hourly employees where this might not be applicable, just put 5 days a week

  5. Set the Salary Prorated Based on:

    1. Attendance Data: Salary will be prorated based on the employee's timesheet data (suitable for part-time and full-time staff who clock-in and clock-out).

    2. Fixed Working Days per Week: Salary will be prorated based on the set working days per week regardless of actual attendance (suitable for full-time staff who don't clock-in and clock-out).

      Learn more about Calculate pay for an incomplete month of work or Proration here.

  6. Enter the Basic Rate (Wage) amount

  7. The calculation of the daily rate for salaried staff is based on the MOM recommendation and prorated accordingly. The amount cannot be changed or overridden. The staff's daily rate can also be utilized for calculating additional pay items, learn more about it here.

  8. Overtime Rate, Event Rate, and Weekend Rate (optional): These fields are not required and show up for Hourly staff, but leaving them blank will result in a default rate of $0. This default rate will also be reflected on employees' payslips.

  9. Set the Effective Period: Select the date when the wage changes become effective for the employee. Make sure that the date selected is after the Timesheet Lock date. You can also adjust the Timesheet Lock date to an earlier date, learn more here.

  10. Add Remarks or notes (optional). The remarks added only can be seen by another user with the Manager and Owner access level.

  11. Click on the Save button to finish the process.

Add/Tag Additional Pay Item (Optional)

For the final step, before processing payroll you can add or tag the custom pay item you just created on the payroll feature to the employee. If you have not created a new customized pay item, explore further here.

To add or tag the pay item to the employee:

  1. Click on Add Pay Item button in the Additional Pay Item card

  2. Select the pay item you want to add/tag them

There will be a different action when you add a custom pay item attendance-based type or fixed amount type:

  1. When adding the Attendance-Based type it will use the formula from the previous creation on Payroll Menu or customize the amount for each if the pay item is set to Custom Rate. Explore more here.

  2. When adding a Fixed Amount type, by default, the amount is the same as what you set in the Pay Item Setup. However, you can override and customize the amount for selected staff.

  3. After saving all the Pay Items, this is how it will look for both types.

  4. To override the amount, click on the Edit button. Then click Save upon making changes.

Frequently Asked Questions on Employee Profile Setup

Q: What should I do if I get the Timecard Locked alert when I save the Wage Setup?

A: Make sure to set the effective pay period after the lock date. To resolve the issue above, the effective pay period should be 2 Jan 2023 or any day onward.

Q: Why I can't change resignee's contract end date on their profile?

A: At the moment, adding a passing date to contract end date is not possible if the staff joined last/few years ago. However, you can add their contract end date by following these workaround:

  1. Change the join date to early January 2024, for example 1 January 2024.

  2. Add the contract end date and click on Save.

  3. Then change back the join date to original setting and click on Save.

Q: Why I see two effective pay period in Edit Payroll page and employee's payslips? What should I do?

A: When the Effective Pay Period changes within the month, the system will take it as a salary adjustment and prorate it during payroll.

Case #1

If you want the staff to have one compensation period, you can change back the Effective Pay Period to the same as the start of payroll timesheet period. For example:

  • Timesheet period used for payroll: 1 Feb 2024 - 31 Feb 2024

  • Effective pay period: 1 Feb 2024

Case #2

If you changed the effective pay period and wages, you should revert back the setting. For example:

  • Before (original setting)

    • Basic Rate (Wages): $1,000.00/month

    • Effective pay period: 01 Feb 2024

  • Current (amount was override & effective pay period changed)

    • Basic Rate (Wages): $1,200.00/month

    • Effective pay period: 03 Feb 2024

  • What you should do is to change back the setting to:

    • Basic Rate (Wages): $1,000.00/month

    • Effective pay period: 01 Feb 2024

To see the changes reflected in the Payroll, you need to recreate the payroll again.

Learn more about other articles related to Payroll Setup:

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