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Mass Edit Payroll

Alternative way to edit current and past payroll via Excel

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Written by StaffAny
Updated over 8 months ago

Mass Edit Payroll

Contents of this article are applicable to the following users

Tier: N/A

Product: PayrollAny

Platform: Web

Another method to edit payroll quickly is by Mass Edit Payroll where you can download the Excel template file, edit each pay item amount for each staff, and upload the file. This is also useful if you want to migrate your past payrolls.

This help article covers the end-to-end process for Mass Edit Payroll:

How to Mass Edit Payroll

  1. Before you do mass edit payroll, make sure that you already created a payroll with all relevant staff including those who resigned but were working or active at the selected pay period.

  2. Select the payroll you want to edit in the Payroll List page. Then click on the Edit Payroll button.

  3. You will be directed to the Edit Payroll screen. There, click on the Mass Edit Payroll button at the right side.

  4. A Mass Edit Payroll modal will appear. Then click on Download to download the template.
    Important Note:

    1. The Excel file is only for updating payroll information of existing staff. To add or remove staff for the current pay period, please recreate a new payroll.

    2. If a staff has duplicated pay items, the Excel export file will only show the first item. Upon importing, only the first pay item will be imported.

  5. Make changes directly to the Excel file and save as Excel Workbook (*. xlsx).

    For a complete breakdown on each field, go to the next part below.

  6. Import or upload the file.

  7. Click Submit

  8. After the importing process is complete, the changes will be reflected in the Edit Payroll page.

Field Definition for Mass Edit Payroll

  1. Employee ID, Employee Name, Start Effective Period, End Effective Period, Wage Type:

    1. This column contains staff data and cannot be changed in the Mass Edit Payroll. To make changes, you can go to My Team and follow this article for your guidance. After updating the staff data, recreate a new payroll.

  2. Days Worked and Total Working Days (proration)

    1. Learn more here on how to calculate the proration.

  3. Pay Item Amount:

    1. There are two types of pay items:

      1. Default Pay Items: Basic Pay (hourly), Basic Pay (salaried), Event/PH Pay, Overtime Pay, Weekend Pay

      2. Additional Pay Items (if any)

    2. No need to input $ symbol.

    3. You cannot add a new pay item here. To do so, you can create additional pay items by following this article.

    4. To exclude staff from the pay item, you can leave it as empty or remove the amount. Additionally, the pay item will not be displayed in their payslip.

    5. If you fill in as 0, the pay item will be tagged to the staff and will be displayed in their payslip as $0.

    6. If the amount is overridden, upon importing the formula in the UI will be crossed-out.

  4. Pay Item Remarks (optional):

    1. Maximum total 100 characters.

  5. Index ID:

    1. Please do not make any changes to the values in this column. It will affect the import function.

How to Resolve Errors Upon Submission

Pay item does not exist in the system

To resolve:

  1. Make sure that the additional pay item(s) were already created before you run the payroll. To do so, refer to this article.

  2. If you already created the additional pay item(s) and still got the error, make sure to check whether the pay item name is typed correctly or not.

  3. If the error still occurs, please contact the support team to help you resolve the issue.

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