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Create and Manage Leave Types
Create and Manage Leave Types

Customise leave types for your business!

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Written by StaffAny
Updated over a week ago

Contents of this article is applicable to the following users


Platform: Web

Different organisations offer different leave types. At StaffAny, the most frequently used leave types have been pre-set within the system for your convenience.

  1. Annual Leave

  2. Medical Leave

  3. Unpaid Leave

  4. Off Day

Other than these default leave types in StaffAny, you can also flexibly create, edit and manage leave types to customise to the unique needs of your business.

This guide will cover the following:

Creating a new leave type

Click Settings > Off and Leave > Leave Types > Add Leave.

Refer to the video below for a quick demo on how to create a new leave type:

There are several inputs needed for a leave type creation:

  1. Leave Name

  2. Leave Tag

  3. Entitlement period Read more here.

  4. Leaves Dispatch/Allocation method. Read more here.

  5. When the leaves can be taken Read more here.

  6. What happens to unused leaves Read more here.

  7. Progressive leave entitlement Read more here.

  8. Other settings

Editing an existing leave type

Editing of leave types is a feature designed for smooth transition when your company changes leave policy.

Select the leave type that you want to edit and then click Edit.

Simply adjust the leave type to the new settings before clicking “save”. Thereafter, our system will recalculate your new balances based on the new settings

Note: Leave type settings changes that involve a change in entitlement period settings are not supported e.g. changing from unlimited to anniversary. Reach out to our customer service for assistance

Recalculation of balances

Upon editing of your leave settings, the system will automatically recalculate your new balances. This is done with the assumption that the new leave settings will take effect starting from the current entitlement period, while leaving past entitlement periods unaffected.

In the following examples, we'll highlight how leave balances will change depending on the type of settings edited:

Example: Changing Leave Entitlement

Sally’s annual leave has the current setting of being awarded on an upfront basis. On 30th June 2024, the leave entitlement was edited from 12 to 18 days. Assuming that her leaves are awarded upfront, she will receive an increase in 6 balances.



Staff Name



Current Date

30th June 2024

30th June 2024

Entitlement Period

1st Jan 2024 - 31st Dec 2024

1st Jan 2024 - 31st Dec 2024

Base Entitlement



Base Adjusted

(user edited)



Carry Forward (from 2023)



Carry Forward Adjusted (user edited)



Total Taken



Leave Balance



In this example, all other leave components are preserved. Her new balances will be 19.

Example: Changing Carry Forward Settings

Sally’s Carry Forward (CF) setting is then changed from having a CF limit of 10 to only 6 days. As she carried forward 10 balances from 2023, 4 of the 10 balances will now become forfeited due to this settings change.



Staff Name



Current Date

30th June 2024

30th June 2024

Entitlement Period

1st Jan 2024 - 31st Dec 2024

1st Jan 2024 - 31st Dec 2024

Base Entitlement



Base Adjusted

(user edited)



Carry Forward (from 2023)


6 (other 4 are forfeited)

Carry Forward Adjusted (user edited)



Total Taken



Leave Balance



Sally’s new balances will be 15, as her carry forward is reduced from 10 to 6.

Example: Changing Leave Allocation Method

Sally’s leave allocation method is now changed from upfront to accrued. This will result in a reduction in balances because now she will only be awarded leave that she has earned, rather than her yearly balance upfront.



Staff Name



Current Date

30th June 2024

30th June 2024

Entitlement Period

1st Jan 2024 - 31st Dec 2024

1st Jan 2024 - 31st Dec 2024

Base Entitlement



Base Earned Till Date


9 (earned for 6 months, as of 30th June)

Base Adjusted

(user edited)



Carry Forward (from 2023)



Carry Forward Adjusted (user edited)



Total Taken



Leave Balance



Her new balances will be reduced from 15 to 6 days, because she has only earned 9 out of her entitlement of 18 days.

Deleting a leave type

Deleting of leave types is a feature designed to remove unwanted leave types when your company changes leave policy.

Select the leave type that you want to delete and then click Delete.

As this is an irreversible action, there will be a confirmation modal pop-up to highlight that leave deletion will be permanent. Click on “delete” to proceed.

This second confirmation modal highlights the implications to timesheet records. Ensure that timesheet lock has been set-up correctly, to prevent unintended changes to past timesheet records. Tick the checkbox and click on “Yes, I understand and confirm” to proceed.

This will trigger the deletion process, and all data related to this leave type will be deleted from our system.

Sorting of leave types

You can also drag and drop the leave types to sort them in the order you want to view them. Simply click on the 3 dots on the left of each leave type, and drag it to the intended position!


I deleted my leave type by accident, can I reverse this?

Unfortunately, the leave deletion process is non-reversible. Please only delete a leave type if you're sure that the leave type will no longer be used, and past data is irrelevant. This is because leave history will be deleted as well!

How can I set up leave types according to MOM’s guidelines?

Check out this help article on how to set-up MOM recommended leave types.

Click on the following articles to learn more about our Leave Management System.

Staff Leave Application

Approving Leave Requests

Managing Leave Balance

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