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Common Questions about PayrollAny (SG)
Common Questions about PayrollAny (SG)

Commonly asked questions about PayrollAny

StaffAny avatar
Written by StaffAny
Updated over 11 months ago

Contents of this article are applicable to the following users

Tier: N/A

Product: PayrollAny

Platform: Web

This guide will cover the following:

Payroll Reports

Q: Do PayrollAny have a monthly and year-to-date payroll report?

A: Both monthly and year-to-date payroll reports will be available 24Q2. How it will looks like:

  • Monthly Payroll Report

  • Year-to-date Payroll Report

1 Employee in 2 Entities

Q: Several of my employees are working and paid from two different entities. Does PayrollAny support this? How do I contribute CPF with 2 entities for 1 staff?

A: PayrollAny allows you to assign staff up to 2 entities. This ensures their wages are accurately allocated and reported for each entity. However, it's important to understand that splitting employee salaries across entities solely to meet foreign worker quota requirements is strictly prohibited. This is an abuse of the rules and you may be investigated by MoM for breach of work pass regulations. If you have already reviewed the regulations, you can contact us to enable the multi-entity feature for your payroll needs.


Q: How do I create/manage claims?

A: Check a full guide on using claims in PayrollAny here.

2 Payrolls in 1 Month

Q: Can I run 2 separate payrolls in 1 month for different staff accounts?

A: Yes. For example you want to run 2 different payrolls for Fulltimers and Partimers.

Q: Can I run 2 separate payrolls in 1 month for the same staff accounts?

A: Yes, and this can all be consolidated to a single Monthly total to be used to process CPF.

Sales Incentive

Q: How to capture sales incentive?

A: There are 2 ways to capture sales incentive:

  1. You can track your team sales with Monthly sales target challenge via EngangeAny and SPLH Report. Later at the end of the month, you can reward your staff with coins that can be converted to monies during payroll, learn more about it here.

  2. You can create a pay item for Sales Incentive/Bonus with following settings:

    1. Name: Sales Incentive or Bonus

    2. Category: Addition

    3. CPF Type: Additional Wage

    4. IR8A Code: Bonus

    5. Amount Type: Fixed

    6. Default amount: 0 (amount can be customized for each staff later during editing payroll)

    7. Allow Proration: No

Later during payroll, you can either add it to your staff on the UI or use our mass edit.


Q: Does PayrollAny support IR21 submission? How do I submit an IR21 form with PayrollAny?

A: Check a full guide on how to submit IR21 with PayrollAny here.

IR8A (including importing past data)

Q: Does PayrollAny support IR8A submission?

A: Yes, we will support full automation for IR8A for the Year Assessment 2025 (Payroll runs in 2024). As a HR using PayrollAny, you should be able to use the system to generate and submit IR8A data.

Before submitting IR8A to IRAS for Year of Assessment 2025, make sure that you already ran payroll from January 2024 to December 2024 for all of your staff. If you haven’t, you can use Mass Edit Payroll to quickly import past/missing payroll data.

Access Level on Payroll

Q: My HR Executive is responsible to fill in outlet staff’s data and run payroll for them, but they should not be able to see office staff/higher ups personal data and cannot run payroll for them. How do I set the access limitation for particular HR/managers?

A: You can split your company into 2 different organizations in StaffAny, 1 for outlet staff and 1 for HQ staff where HR Executive only added to the organization. Currently we are working on a more sophisticated permission system which should allow you to set this up in a single organization by 24Q2.

Custom Payslip

Q: Can I customize what employees can see in the payslip?

A: Yes, but not fully. Currently, we allow you to customize company logo and pay item names. Our payslips are already following the MoM Itemized Payslip requirement.

Xero Integration

Q: My accounting and I are using Xero, is it possible to connect the payroll data from PayrollAny to Xero?

A: We are currently working on a Xero integration and it will be available by 24Q2. Chat with our team if you need to integrate your Xero account with PayrollAny.

Cost Reports

Q: Does PayrollAny have Cost Reports and how to download them?

A: Chat with us if you need Cost Reports so we can learn more about your needs.

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